What Non-Compliance means for a Company

Blog 14

What Non-Compliance means for a Company

Earlier, all acts of sexual harassment at the workplace were made invisible or labelled as being ‘void and nullified’, imprinted within the conventions of the work space. These instances often give a picture of a female executive being bothered by a male executive (usually the boss), who passes lewd comments or sets up an uncomfortable situation in the office. Compare the same scenario today which has changed for the better with The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prohibition, Prevention and Redressal) Act, 2013 that seeks to create a safe and secure work environment.

There exist many forms of sexual harassment at the workplace such as indecent jokes, innuendos, ogling, inappropriate remarks, pictures, text messaging etc. The issue also lies in the fact that certain organisations consider this harmless, yet others refuse to recognise the difference between a compliment and harassment. These incidents lead to a cycle of suppression for the woman as she is at risk of losing her job and acquiring a bad name if she speaks up and recurrence if she stays silent. All these result in lack of morale, motivation, under performance and absenteeism which further adds to a hostile work environment. Thanks to the new law, an organisation can no longer dismiss workplace sexual harassment and it is their responsibility to ensure safety of all women whether employed in their premise or coming in contact with other people within their premise. It mandates that all policies are adhered to and also entails educating all employees about the nature of such harassment. It focuses on the establishment of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and that employees know the procedure to file a complaint. Failure of the organisation to comply with this law would mean facing consequences, such as monetary penalties, imprisonment and closure of business.

Besides, such reputational damage would make other women employees feel insecure and quit �€” so the organisation loses trained employees and bears the costly process of hiring, recruitment and training. Laws may be external but change has to come from within. Sensitising helps bring about that change in mindset. Sexual harassment can occur in any organisation, but women now have the law to support and safeguard their interest. Complykaro an advisory firm, helps your organisation legally comply with the new law to create awareness and safety for women at the workspace.

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