13 Jul The Role of Media in Women’s Safety
The Public Relations Council of India, a leading body of PR and media professionals held its Global Communication Conclave on 13th �€” 14th March 2015. With ‘Communicate to Connect’ being the theme, it was essential to highlight one of the serious issues with regard to rising crimes against women. Mr. Vishal Kedia, Founder �€” Director of Complykaro, was present on this occasion to elaborate on sexual harassment at the workplace and the new law associated with it.
The new law that was discussed in detail, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at any workplace. Mr. Kedia addressed the need that safety for every woman should be a primary concern within all organisations and not only for their women employees. He further specified that it is mandatory for all organisations, be it big or small, to comply with this law. In fact, it was for this very purpose that Mr. Vishal Kedia founded Complykaro, an advisory firm which helps companies, firms and proprietorships �€” just any organisation to comply with their legal obligations.
A series of questions were asked after Mr. Vishal Kedia finished his presentation which exposed many underlying assumptions about women safety. A few instances like, are women really safe, be it in workspaces or even public spaces. And should the government or an organisation be responsible for their safety.
With this event as part of a series, Complykaro hopes to spread and enhance awareness regarding the requirement of women’s safety in organisations and the importance of having such a law in all workspaces.
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