
Whistleblower WC440

Whistleblower Training Module

“The first step in solving a problem is knowing there is one.”


But, in a company with numerous employees & stakeholders and multiple parallel operations, keeping track of all the problems can be difficult. This is where the administration is dependent upon the stakeholders to report any violations of company’s code of conduct or legal compliance or any other misconduct within the company.


In order to protect these whistleblowers and provide a safe environment for them to report the wrongdoings, the Companies Act, 2013 & SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR) have prescribed the Whistleblower policy / Vigil Mechanism.

Synopsis of the Whistleblower Training Module


Apart from conveying the gravity of reporting any misdeeds, our Whistleblower module helps your stakeholders understand how the Whistleblower policy protects them against any harm.


The Whistleblower module covers the following topics in detail:


  • Key concepts of the Whistleblower Policy.
  • Cases that can be reported under the Whistleblower Policy.
  • The process of raising the complaint clearly and efficiently.
  • A template for reporting violation.
  • The barriers & myths that an individual may face about reporting any incident.
  • Dos and don’ts for reporting violations.
  • Real life scenarios that help understand the topics better.

Benefits of Whistleblower Training Module

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Enables Righteous Stakeholders
Our Whistleblower training module makes the stakeholders of your firm aware about their rights & responsibilities in an event where they witness (or have information about) any malpractice taking place within (or related to) the firm. It urges them to stand-up against illegal/unethical practice and report the incident.
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Facilitates Compliance
The whistleblowers reinforce the system that your company has in place to combat non-compliance with the law. Our module educates your company’s stakeholders to stay vigilant and report any mishaps.
Ensures Whistleblowers’ Safety
Any company is as good as its employees. Our module enlists how the company is mandated to safeguard the doting employees or other stakeholders who chose to become whistleblowers.
Contributes to an ethical work culture
Taking our whistleblower module nurtures the faith and ethics of your employees and other stakeholders, with regard to your company’s work culture.
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Negates Reputational Damage
Any unreported illegal or unethical practice related to your company can potentially damage its hard-earned reputation in a split-second! Our whistleblower module can provide your stakeholders with moral incentive to speak out and protect the company from unnecessary disasters.
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Reinforces the Code of Conduct
Any practice that goes against your company’s code of conduct needs to be acknowledged and dealt with to ensure integrity. Our Whistleblower module assists your stakeholders in protecting the Code of Conduct of your firm and thereby, retaining its ethical stance.

Choose Us?

Complykaro is empanelled by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, as a resource company for providing PoSH Training.

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Seasoned Team
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Seasoned Team
Our team of dedicated professionals with 75+ years of combined experience utilizes best means of creating and conducting interactive and elaborate whistleblower/ vigil mechanism modules.
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Get certified on completing our Whistleblower Training Module.
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
By offering scalable solutions, Complykaro ensures that organizations of all sizes can access cost-efficient compliance training services. This affordability makes it an accessible choice for a wide range of businesses.
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Legally curated courses
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Legally curated courses
All our courses are curated with absolute legal accuracy. At the end of the course, your employees will be well-versed with the Whistleblower policy as prescribed by LODR (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) and the new Companies Act, 2013 along with their duties and responsibilities, ensuring compliance.
Easy Access to Programs
Easy Access to Programs
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Easy Access to Programs
Since the Whistleblower module is available on our cloud-based e-learning platform, it can easily be accessed online to suit your time and comfort.
Customizable Training Programs
Customizable training programs
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Customizable Training Programs 1
Customizable training programs
Personalized to suit our clients’ organizational requirements, we tailor-make extensive courses.
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Interest provoking course
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Interest provoking course
By the end of our Whistleblower module, the attendees would have in-depth information about every aspect of the Whistleblower policy and more without being subjected to boredom.
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24x7 Support
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24x7 Support
We provide round the clock support to our clients to address all of their concerns and queries.

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