PoSH Training & Compliance

PoSH Training Compliance 1

To tackle the harassment of women at workplace, the Government of India laid down The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act in 2013.

By law, it’s imperative for organisations of any size and stature to comply with this Act which prevents sexual harassment of women at workplace. Additionally, the cost of non-compliance, both monetary and reputational, is extremely high!


With our comprehensive compliance solutions, including the entire gamut of PoSH Documentation and interactive training solutions, we help organisations in PoSH Compliance.


Empanelled by the Ministry of Women and Child Development as a resource company for providing PoSH training, Complykaro covers all aspects of PoSH compliance in its PoSH training solutions; from sensitization of employees to skill-building of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).


Following services under our PoSH Course:

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PoSH E-Learning Program

Our cloud-based E-Learning PoSH Course aims at sensitizing employees and training ICC members to become fair judges in case of a PoSH inquiry.

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PoSH Live Sessions

Complykaro’s reputed PoSH trainer-led Webinars and Classroom sessions provide an interactive medium for PoSH training for employees, managers, HR partners and ICC members.

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PoSH Consultancy and Miscellaneous Services

We provide expert advice to organisations and assist companies in creating mandatory PoSH compliant policy processes, etc.


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PoSH External ICC Member

Complykaro recommended PoSH experts are vastly experienced as external ICC Member of numerous organisations across different sectors and industries.


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Employees need our PoSH Training

Much like our society, every company is a hub of a diverse group of people from different socio-economic backgrounds. Therefore, they have different perspectives and perceive situations differently.


“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” — Sundar Pichai


Employees from different backgrounds may have different opinions of what kinds of behaviour amounts to sexual harassment of women at workplace. This may lead to unfortunate situations where one employee may end up sexually harassing another employee, without any intention of doing so.


Benefits of PoSH Training

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Compliance with PoSH Law
Your organisation will be thoroughly compliant with all the nuances of the women sexual harassment act and avoid becoming subject to penalties or revoking of your business license.
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Safe Working Environment
Being aware of their rights and consequences, both female and male employees will feel protected against sexual harassment and false complaints about the same.
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Corporate Responsibility

The mandatory formation of ICC for your organisation and its roles and policy-making for preventing sexual harassment will be all managed under the PoSH compliance.

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Safeguarding your Organisation

With PoSH training for employees and coherent workplace harassment prevention policy in place, your organisation will be protected against any such unfortunate event.

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Ethical stance of the Organisation
By opting for mandatory PoSH training for employees every calendar year, your organisation sends a clear message to all its stakeholders regarding its intolerance against sexual harassment of women at workplace.
Empower Women
Female stakeholders will feel encouraged to report any harassment incidents once your organisation is compliant with the prevention of women’s sexual harassment act (PoSH Act).

Choose Us?

Complykaro is empanelled by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, as a resource company for providing PoSH Training.

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Seasoned Team
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Seasoned Team
As a Government-empanelled Resource Company for providing PoSH Training, our team of dedicated professionals with 75+ years of combined experience will assist your organisation to comply with the law.
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Get PoSH Training Certification on completing our Government-approved training programs.
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
By offering scalable solutions, Complykaro ensures that organizations of all sizes can access cost-efficient compliance training services. This affordability makes it an accessible choice for a wide range of businesses.
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Legally Curated Courses
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Legally Curated Courses
All our courses are curated with absolute legal accuracy. At the end of each course, your employees will be well-versed with the respective law along with their duties and responsibilities, ensuring compliance.
Easy Access to Programs
Easy Access to Programs
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Easy Access to Programs
We offer the options of E-learning, webinars or instructor-led training sessions for our compliance programs to suit your time and comfort.
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Comprehensive & Multilingual
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Comprehensive & Multilingual Courses
The courses we offer are also available in regional languages with interactive, scenario-based assessment throughout to ensure absolute understanding.
Customizable Training Programs
Customizable Training Programs
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Customizable Training Programs
Personalised to suit our clients’ organizational requirements, we can tailor-make extensive courses.
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24 x 7 Support
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24x7 Support
We provide round-the-clock support to our clients to address all of their concerns and queries.
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Interest Provoking Course
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Interest Provoking Course
By the end of our PoSH course, the attendees will be well-versed with every aspect of the PoSH Act & its compliance without being subjected to boredom.

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