Complykaro’s cloud-based PoSH E-Learning module equips your employees and ICC members with the knowledge of their legal rights and duties in the case of a PoSH inquiry.
Prevention is better than cure
Sensitization of the employees leads to a deeper understanding of the consequences of women’s Sexual Harassment in a work environment – physical & mental well-being of the victim – and develops compassion.
It also makes the employees aware of their sub-conscious behaviour that may be perceived as sexual harassment by some women, regardless of the employees’ intentions.
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Employee sensitization, being a behaviour-change inducing training, needs to be reinforced periodically, i.e. every calendar year.
Through the course, the ICC members are informed about their roles and duties as per the PoSH compliance mandated by the Act.
This interactive course helps your employees get familiar with all the aspects of the PoSH Act.
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Our PoSH Training E-Learning Course encompass the following topics:
The first module of our PoSH Training program addresses the different kinds of behaviours that may be perceived as sexual harassment and sensitizes all your employees towards their own actions and others’ feelings.
On the other hand, it encourages the women employees to recognize any unacceptable behaviour and report the wrong-doings to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).
The module explains the actions and behaviours that constitute sexual harassment of women at workplace, its definition and types. The aftermath of sexual harassment – rights and duties under the PoSH Law of both the parties involved are also covered. The module sheds light upon the company’s roles and duties under the PoSH law and how false and malicious complaints are to be tackled.
Our Employee Sensitization module is available in regional languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati & Marathi too.
We can license our PoSH E-Learning Course on demand so you can provide PoSH training to your employees on your company’s Learning Management System.
Following sensitization, the ICC members undertake two additional modules. The first of these begins with the introduction, composition and importance of ICC. The ideal constituent members of ICC, their qualifications, their roles and duties to effectively tackle and redress complaints regarding the sexual harassment of women at workplace are described.
The module further lays out the role of ICC in the conciliation process and possible recommendations in various outcomes of PoSH inquiry. Preparation of reports to be submitted by ICC annually to respective authorities are also illustrated.
The second module for the ICC members, lets them test their PoSH knowledge in real-life scenarios. Answering multiple-choice questions, with instant feedback, based on different situations presented in the module helps trainees think and act in alignment with the PoSH Act.
The ability to pause and resume means that if left midway, the training can be continued from where the employee left off.
Each employee’s progress and completion is monitored, and their reports can be generated.
Being a uniform training module, it can be conducted across different offices for all employees at once.
Due to its interactive feature, our PoSH E-learning module holds the employees’ attention and helps them grasp the information.
Since the course is cloud-based and is available online, there is a substantial reduction in the overall cost of conducting the PoSH training.
On completion, each employee/ICC member is provided with an e-certificate which can be downloaded whenever required.
The employees can take the course at their preferred time and place. Given the sensitivity of the topic, online training of PoSH eliminates awkwardness caused to the employees in a classroom training session where other people are around too.
Complykaro is empanelled by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, as a resource company for providing PoSH Training.
Rishab is a seasoned professional with over 9 years of invaluable hands-on experience in client-facing roles that span his career. His expertise lies in cultivating successful strategic partnerships that benefit all stakeholders. With a keen aptitude for organizational management, Rishab excels at fostering enduring client relationships. His dedication centers around enhancing Complykaro’s visibility and brand esteem. At Complykaro, Rishab spearheads pivotal responsibilities, including business development, strategic planning, and operational excellence.