HIV Training Program

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HIV Training Program


With 2.5 million people infected by HIV, India stands third on the list of countries worst-hit by this deadly virus. Making matters worse, the majority of these infected persons fall under the age-bracket of 15-49 years, the most productive age-group.


Naturally, HIV has a significant impact on workplaces because of which the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention and Control) Act, 2017 came into existence.


Synopsis of the HIV Training Program


Our HIV training program incorporates the following topics in detail:


  • Detailed understanding of HIV AIDS, along with the corresponding act.
  • Ways in which HIV is transmitted.
  • Addressing the misconceptions and myths around the transmission of HIV.
  • Discriminations that HIV positive persons may be subjected to at workplace.
  • Responsibilities of the organization under the HIV act.
  • Duties and responsibilities of the Complaints Officer under the HIV act.
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Benefits of HIV Training Program

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Inclusive Workforce

With common misconceptions about HIV out of the way and the ability to identify discrimination, your employees will be more empathetic towards their HIV-positive counterparts. This will facilitate smooth functioning of the company.

Safe Workplace

Our HIV training program helps employees identify and avoid HIV-based myths. It also discusses the rights of an HIV-positive employee against discrimination. This, eventually, results in boosting their morale and creating a safe space for them to work.

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HIV Act Compliance

For a company to be compliant with the HIV act, its employees and management need to work together. Our HIV training program ensures that each employee understands their role in this process and actively assists the management in complying with the HIV act.

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Improved Brand Image

By undertaking our HIV Training Program for your employees, your company will be projecting empathy towards the HIV-positive workforce and spreading awareness about HIV. Your brand, as a result, will attract sustained positive reactions from your vendors and customers alike, earning major brownie points.

Catalyse Growth

Overall business standards and demeanour within a business will be substantially improved by the understanding of the HIV Training Program, helping increase the productivity of the workforce.

Creates Awareness

Our HIV training module will effectively communicate your company’s inclusive culture to your employees and other stakeholders.


Choose Us?

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Seasoned Team
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Seasoned Team
Our team of dedicated professionals with 75+ years of combined experience utilizes best means of creating and conducting interactive and elaborate HIV training program.
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Get certified on completing our HIV training program.
cost effective solutions icon
Cost-Efficient Solutions
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
By offering scalable solutions, Complykaro ensures that organizations of all sizes can access cost-efficient compliance training services. This affordability makes it an accessible choice for a wide range of businesses.
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Legally Curated Courses
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Legally Curated Courses
All our courses are curated with absolute legal accuracy. At the end of the course, your employees will be well-versed with the HIV Act, ensuring compliance.
Easy Access to Programs
Easy Access to Programs
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Easy Access to Programs
Since our HIV training program is available on our cloud-based e-learning platform, it can easily be accessed online to suit your time and comfort.
Customizable Training Programs
Customizable Training Programs
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Customizable Training Programs 1
Customizable Training Programs
Personalized to suit our clients’ organizational requirements, we tailor-make extensive courses.
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24x7 Support
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24x7 Support
We provide round the clock support to our clients to address all of their concerns and queries.
Comprehensive Programs
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Comprehensive Programs
The courses we offer are interactive with scenario-based assessment throughout to ensure absolute understanding.
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Interest Provoking Course
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Interest Provoking Course
By the end of our HIV course, the attendees will be well-versed with every aspect of the HIV act & its compliance without being subjected to boredom.

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