Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Training

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In 2018, India ranked 81 from among the 180 countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index. This indicates that in our country, corrupt practices are extremely prevalent for businesses, and it is our duty to ensure that is not the case.


Pertaining to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 1977  and the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA), 1988, companies are bound to create policies that avoid bribery and corruption within a firm as well as with any third party.


Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Training Program

Our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption online training program incorporates the following topics in detail:

  • Overview of FCPA, 1977 and its effect on Indian business practices.
  • Regulations of FCPA and the methods to comply with the same.
  • Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA), its details, and ways for companies to comply.
  • Meticulous comparison between FCPA and PCA.
  • Detailed information about the Anti-bribery policy throws light on the importance of conducting ethical business practices.
  • Scenario-based learning with real cases.
  • Cost, both monetary and intangible, of non-compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.
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Benefits of Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Training Program

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Trustworthy Work-force

Consciously learning about the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies builds character and lowers the chances of violations.

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Facilitates Compliance

With enlightened employees, your company will be able to ensure compliance with relevant laws and policies.

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Healthy Work Environment

The employees’ thorough knowledge about the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies will help them keep themselves and their counterparts in check. Overall, such an ethical workplace environment will improve the performance of the employees and therefore, the company.

Reducing Financial LossesReducing Financial Losses
Reducing Financial Losses

If a company’s employees are corrupt and accept or give bribes, it is often at the cost of their company’s economic loss in some way. Our anti-corruption training & anti-bribery course will make the employees aware of the implications of doing so, amongst other details. This will help your company avoid such losses.

Protecting Brand ImageProtecting Brand Image
Protecting Brand Image

The reputation of your company can take a serious hit if its employees are involved in corruption or bribery. Knowing the implications of the violation of these policies through our training program, the employees are less likely to indulge, thereby, preserving your brand image.

Catalyse Growth

Overall business standards and demeanour within a business will be substantially improved by the understanding of the Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Training Program, helping increase the productivity of the workforce.


Choose Us?

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Seasoned Team
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Seasoned Team
Our team of dedicated professionals with 75+ years of combined experience utilizes the best means of creating and conducting interactive and elaborate anti-corruption and anti-bribery modules.
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Get certified on completing our Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery training program.
cost effective solutions icon
Cost-Efficient Solutions
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Cost-Efficient Solutions
By offering scalable solutions, Complykaro ensures that organizations of all sizes can access cost-efficient compliance training services. This affordability makes it an accessible choice for a wide range of businesses.
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Legally Curated Courses
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Legally Curated Courses
All our courses are curated with absolute legal accuracy. At the end of the course, your employees will be well-versed with the FCPA and PCA Acts & anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies, ensuring compliance.
Easy Access to Programs
Easy Access to Programs
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Easy Access to Programs
Since our anti-corruption training & anti-bribery course is available on our cloud-based E-learning platform, it can be easily accessed online to suit your time and comfort.
Customizable Training Programs
Customizable Training
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Customizable Training Programs
Personalised to suit our clients’ organizational requirements, we tailor-make extensive courses.
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Interest Provoking Course
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Interest Provoking Course
By the end of our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Training, the attendees will be well-versed with every aspect of your company’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Training without being subjected to boredom.
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24x7 Support
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24x7 Support
We provide round-the-clock support to our clients to address all of their concerns and queries.
Comprehensive Programs
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Comprehensive Programs
The courses we offer are interactive with scenario-based assessment throughout to ensure absolute understanding.

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